o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Arnold Neumaier

Faculty of Mathematics
University of Vienna
Room 04.136
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
1090 Wien, Austria


mail: arnold.neumaier@univie.ac.at
phone: +43 1 4277 50661
web: personal homepage



Full Professor (Chair for Computational Mathematics)

Research areas in the program

  • Global Optimization
  • Heuristic Optimization
  • Nonlinear Optimization
  • Optimization under Uncertainty and Risk
  • Optimization for Data Analysis 


  • local and global optimization
  • numerical analysis
  • large scale statistical data analysis
  • uncertainty modeling in high dimensions

Research Interests

  • software development and analysis of algorithms in various fields of optimization, numerical analysis, and statistics;
  • computer-assisted proofs and associated interval analysis techniques;
  • verified computing;
  • mathematical modeling languages;
  • uncertainty modeling in high dimensions;
  • mathematical and numerical work in quantum physics, statistical physics, and protein folding;
  • theory of graphs, codes, permutation groups, finite geometry

Know-how and infrastructure of the research group

The research group is active in developing state of the art software for local and global optimization by integrating methods from nonlinear programming, interval analysis, and combinatorial optimization, and an associated modeling language.

Currently it consists of 1 full professor, 1 associate professor,  1 university assistant (half position), 3 post docs, 4 funded PhD students, 6 other PhD students.

Collaborations within the VGSCO

With Immanuel Bomze and Vladimir Kolmogorov on Global Optimization, with Nysret Musliu and Günther Raidl on Heuristic Optimization, with Immanuel Bomze and Radu Boţ on Nonlinear Optimization, with Dan Alistarh, Immanuel Bomze and Birgit Rudloff on Optimization under Uncertainty and Risk and with Dan Alistarh, Immanuel Bomze and Radu Boţ on Optimization for Data Analysis.

Scientific CV

Arnold Neumaier is full Professor for Computational Mathematics at the University of Vienna (Austria). He published six books and about 160 research articles in pure and applied mathematics, optimization, statistics, and physics. He maintains the “Global (and Local) Optimization” WWW site, the most comprehensive web collection of links to online information, software and test problems on global optimization; in addition, extensive web pages on public domain software for numerical analysis, optimization, and statistics.

1977 Ph.D. (Free University, Berlin, D),

1987-1993 Professor (U Freiburg, D)

1988 Visiting professor (U Wisconsin-Madison, USA)

1993-1994 Member of technical staff of AT&T Bell Laboratories (USA)

since 1994 Full Professor for Computational Mathematics (U Wien, A)

2001 Research Fellow (Chemical Engineering, U Princeton, USA)

2003 Visiting Professor at the University of Nice (France)

2011 Visiting Professor at the RWTH Aachen (Germany)


Pál, L, Csendes, T, Markot, M & Neumaier, A 2012, 'Black-box optimization benchmarking of the GLOBAL method', Evolutionary Computation, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 609-639. https://doi.org/10.1162/EVCO_a_00089

Baharev, A & Neumaier, A 2012, Chemical process modeling in Modelica. in Proceedings of the 9th International MODELICA Conference, September 3-5, 2012, Munich, Germany. vol. 76, 100, Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköping, Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, pp. 955-962. https://doi.org/10.3384/ecp12076955

Neumaier, A & Schodl, P 2012, 'Continuity notions for multi-valued mappings', Reliable Computing, vol. 16, pp. 84-101.

Kofler, K & Neumaier, A 2012, DynGenPar - A Dynamic Generalized Parser for Common Mathematical Language. in Intelligent Computer Mathematics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. Volume 7362, Unknown publisher, pp. 386-401.

Kofler, K, Domes, F, Neumaier, A, Schichl, H & Schodl, P 2012, Towards a Self-reflective, Context-aware Semantic Representation of Mathematical Specifications. in Algebraic Modeling Systems -- Modeling and Solving Real. World Optimization Problems. Unknown publisher, pp. 11-32.

Schodl, P, Neumaier, A, Kofler, K, Domes, F & Schichl, H 2011, Context-aware Semantic Representation of Mathematical Specifications. in Chaper 3 in: Modeling Languages in Mathematical Optimization. Springer.

Neumaier, A & Schodl, P 2010, A framework for representing and processing arbitrary mathematics. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development . Unknown publisher, pp. 476-479.